217 Lee place Rd NE Ludowici Ga 31316 1-912-432-2738 Email jesus7thangelministry@gmail.com
Jesus 7th Angel Ministries

Are You Biblically Saved

Christ and the former apostles warned us of the great falling away of the church in the last days of which we have entered into according to the signs of he time and the call of the 7th Angel Ministry. The prophecy of the fall would not be in attending of church, but in the doctrine being taught in the churches.

Being Born Again

Jesus said, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God St John 3:3-5. When Nicodemus enquired about being born again, the Lord specifically told him how. Except a man be born of water and Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Christ would never speak such words to exclude all without leaving us a biblical example of how to be born of water and of Spirit. Sinner’s Prayer The sinner’s prayer is not biblical for salvation, the Lord never taught that. In Acts 2:37-42 when the men asked about salvation Peter and all the apostles said, “Repent and be baptized (water) in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost”. This is called the apostles doctrine, this is what Jesus taught his disciples. Baptism Jesus gave us the biblical way of salvation when he went to John the Baptist and was water baptized and the Spirit of God (Holy Ghost) desended as the heavens opened up. In St Matthew 3:13-16 we see both the water and the Spirit, according to the word of God you need both the water and the Spirit. So now who’s report shall you believe, what is written, or the tradition of men that have fallen away.

Proper Formula the Name

Today’s traditional norm is built upon the errors of men. Matthew 28:19 said for the apostles to teach and baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. What name did the apostles actually teach and preach in? In the same name they baptized in, that is the name of Jesus Christ. Father is a title it is not his name. Son is a title it is not his name. Holy Ghost is also a title it is not his name. They are all titles to one name, the commandment was to teach and baptize in his name, not his titles. The church has fallen away from sound doctrine and has given heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of rightoues appearing devils 1Timothy 4:1.

Judgment Day

I Michael was taken out by the hand of the Lord to the day of judgment and beheld all having to stand before the judgment seat of Christ. And all stood in a single line one behind another and I saw many souls being cast into the pit for rejecting the counsel of God and the baptism in Jesus name St Luke 7:29-30 And as I stood in line drawing closer to his great throne, I saw all of my sins play out in the heavens like a giant movie screen, and I said, I’m not gone make it. And I heard his still small voice whisper in my ear covered in the blood. And I rejoiced in judgment dancing not realizing that I was now standing before him to be judged. And when he looked as if looking through me, he saw no sin in me and I made it in. I was covered in the blood by water baptism in Jesus name for the remission of sins Acts 2:38.
217 Lee place Rd NE Ludowici Ga 31316 1-912- 432-2738 Email jesus7thangelministry@gmail.com
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Are You Biblically


Christ and the former apostles warned us of the great falling away of the church in the last days of which we have entered into according to the signs of he time and the call of the 7th Angel Ministry. The prophecy of the fall would not be in attending of church, but in the doctrine being taught in the churches.

Being Born Again

Jesus said, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God St John 3:3-5. When Nicodemus enquired about being born again, the Lord specifically told him how. Except a man be born of water and Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Christ would never speak such words to exclude all without leaving us a biblical example of how to be born of water and of Spirit. Sinner’s Prayer The sinner’s prayer is not biblical for salvation, the Lord never taught that. In Acts 2:37-42 when the men asked about salvation Peter and all the apostles said, “Repent and be baptized (water) in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost”. This is called the apostles doctrine, this is what Jesus taught his disciples. Baptism Jesus gave us the biblical way of salvation when he went to John the Baptist and was water baptized and the Spirit of God (Holy Ghost) desended as the heavens opened up. In St Matthew 3:13-16 we see both the water and the Spirit, according to the word of God you need both the water and the Spirit. So now who’s report shall you believe, what is written, or the tradition of men that have fallen away.

Proper Formula the Name

Today’s traditional norm is built upon the errors of men. Matthew 28:19 said for the apostles to teach and baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. What name did the apostles actually teach and preach in? In the same name they baptized in, that is the name of Jesus Christ. Father is a title it is not his name. Son is a title it is not his name. Holy Ghost is also a title it is not his name. They are all titles to one name, the commandment was to teach and baptize in his name, not his titles. The church has fallen away from sound doctrine and has given heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of rightoues appearing devils 1Timothy 4:1.

Judgment Day

I Michael was taken out by the hand of the Lord to the day of judgment and beheld all having to stand before the judgment seat of Christ. And all stood in a single line one behind another and I saw many souls being cast into the pit for rejecting the counsel of God and the baptism in Jesus name St Luke 7:29-30 And as I stood in line drawing closer to his great throne, I saw all of my sins play out in the heavens like a giant movie screen, and I said, I’m not gone make it. And I heard his still small voice whisper in my ear covered in the blood. And I rejoiced in judgment dancing not realizing that I was now standing before him to be judged. And when he looked as if looking through me, he saw no sin in me and I made it in. I was covered in the blood by water baptism in Jesus name for the remission of sins Acts 2:38.
Jesus 7th Angel Ministries