217 Lee place Rd NE Ludowici Ga 31316 1-912-
432-2738 Email jesus7thangelministry@gmail.com
As I walked the road of the isle spiritually called Patmos in
the city of Everglades Florida in the year 2005 I beheld the
faceless angel of the Lord walking on my right hand and he
pointed and spoke in the English language saying, go forth
under the 7th Angel Ministry.
And when I looked, I saw one of the chief princes standing
before me, having the body of a man but the face of a lion,
and he name was called Arekiel. After which I was taken to
the mount called Calvary and I beheld the death, burial, and
resurrection of the Lord called Jesus.
And I Michael beheld the prints in the hands of the risen
man standing before me and being made a last day eye
witness of his passion being called into apostleship not by
the will of men but by the revelation power of the glory of
Jesus 7th Angel Ministries
But in the days of the voice of thr
sevemth angel, when he shall begin to
sound, the mystery of God should be
finished, as he hath declared to his
servants the prophets. Revelation 10:7
And I saw another angel fly in the midst
of heaven, having the everlasting gospel
to preach unto them that dwell on the
earth, and every nation, and kindred, and
tongue, and people. Revelation 14:6-7
Overseer Michael Moten